Saturday, December 28, 2019

Poem Analysis of William Blakes The Tyger - 682 Words

Poem: The Tiger, William Blake (1757-1827) TIGER, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire? And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand and what dread feet? What the hammer? what the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? What dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp? When the stars threw down their spears, And waterd heaven with their tears, Did He smile His work to see? Did He who made the lamb make thee? Tiger, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? William Blake (1757-1827) was an English poet, painter, and printer who was largely ignored during his time, but is now considered to be one of the seminal figures in British romantic poetry. Blake not only produced poems, but also drawings and paintings that explored a rather unconventional side of the psychology of the mind and human existence. I was drawn to his irreverence, the fact that he was writing as if he lived in the contemporary world rather than the world of the late 18th century, and felt free to comment on themes that stretch the imagination. I remembered his name from Thomas Harris book and then movie, Red Dragon, and wanted to see what ideas he had.Show MoreRelatedWilliam Blake s The Tyger1132 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Blake’s â€Å"The Tyger† and Tragedies William Blake wrote a set of poems in his collection Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Some of the poems in each collection were meant to be read together to show the difference between innocence and experience. Many people question why Blake wrote a two part series to his poems and what they could actually mean. Two specific poems, â€Å"The Lamb† and â€Å"The Tyger,† were meant to be read together. â€Å"The Lamb† is a part of Blake’s Songs of Innocence andRead MoreThe Tyger By William Blake Essay969 Words   |  4 PagesThe Tyger is a six-stanza poem written by an American poet, William Blake. This poem has many interpretation, in a way you could say it is a biblical as well as a symbolic poem, as ‘The Tyger’ is actually the contrast to one of Blake s other poem, The Lamb, both poems are from the book of â€Å"Songs of Innocence and Experience†. If you are familiar with the Christian Bible, it states â€Å"Jesus is the Lamb of God.† The Tyger is comprised of unanswered questions as to who could have created a terrifyingRead MoreWilliam Blake in Contrast of Songs of Innocence and of Experience1452 Words   |  6 PagesEN 222-Intro to British Lit. II April 21, 2012 William Blake in contrast of Songs of Innocence and of Experience William Blake, an engraver, exemplified his passion for children through his many poems. Blake lived in London most of his life and many fellow literati viewed him as eccentric. He claimed to have interactions with angels and prophets, which had a great influence on his outlook of life. Blake believed all prominent entities, those being church, state, and government had become sick withRead MoreSongs of Innocence and of Experience by William Blake925 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Blake writes his poems in â€Å"Songs of Innocence and of Experience† in a manner of retrospective self-analysis. Blake writes, attempting to understand the differences and paradoxes that he has observed. In his poem â€Å"The Tyger†, Blake’s artful questioning of the paradoxes in creation is exemplified. Blake poses questions that he does not answer, however his purpose is almost certainly to come to terms with creation’s idiosyncrasies, and to come to a better understanding of existence. AlthoughRead MoreOpposition in William Blakes The Lamb and the Tyger689 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿Opposition in William Blakes The Lamb and The Tyger William Blakes Songs of Innocence and Experience contain some of his most known poems including The Lamb from Songs of Innocence and The Tyger from Songs of Experience. These two poems are intended to reflect contrasting views of religion, innocence, and creation, with The Tyger examining the intrinsic relationship between good and evil. Blake utilizes contrasting images and symbols to examine opposing perspectives of good and evilRead More Creating Blakes Tyger Essay3597 Words   |  15 PagesCreating Blake’s â€Å"Tyger† The Eighteenth-century British Romantic, William Blake, was an accomplished painter, engraver, and illustrator during his lifetime, but is best remembered for his poetry. Though Blake’s genius was generally dismissed by the public of his own era and he died with little acclaim, he has since been regarded as one of the greatest figures of the Romantic Movement. Whether with paint or pen, Blake is renowned for his ability to create works of art which, overRead MoreSongs of Good and Evil1545 Words   |  7 Pages Simple, limited, and unadventurous all describe William Blake’s life (Greenblatt, Abrams, Lynch, Stillinger). Blake was born November 28, 1757 in London, England and his artistic ability became evident in his early years. Blake had a very simple upbringing and had little education. His formal education was in art and at the age of fourteen he entered an apprenticeship with a well-known engraver who taught Blake his skills in engraving. In Blake’s free time, he began reading writing poetry. At theRead MoreEssay about Comparision of Wordsworth and Blakes Poems1523 Words   |  7 PagesAuthors, William Wordsworth and William Blake convey different messages and themes in their poems, â€Å"The World is Too Much with Us† and â€Å"The Tyger† consecutively by using the different mechanics one needs to create poetry. Both poems are closely related since they portray different aspects of society but the message remains different. Wordsworth’s poem describes a conflict between nature and humanity, while Blake’s poem issues God’s creations of completely different creatures. In â€Å"The World is TooRead MoreThe Lamb and The Tyger by William Blake Essay1758 Words   |  8 Pages William Blake, a unique poet of the literary canon, is one of the most critiqued poets of all time. Having a rather unique stylistic approach to topics, especially religion, Blake seems to contradict himself in his own writing and, therefore, sparks questions in the readers’ minds on specific subjects. Two of his poems in particular have been widely critiqued and viewed in various lights. â€Å"The Tyger,† written in 1774, and â€Å"The Lamb,† written five years later in 1789, are considered companion poemsRead MoreThe Sound Devices Used Within the Tyger by William Blake983 Words   |  4 PagesWhere the Sleeping Tyger Lies: An Analysis of the Sound Devices Used in The Tyger by William Blake The Tyger, written in 1974, is one of both simplicity and mystery. Within this poem written by old English William Blake, there are 13 full questions within this short 24 line work. Though many literary analysts have attempted to forge a meaning from this work, not one theme has a more correct stance than any of the others. One clear symbol within the piece is the Tyger, who represents some form

Friday, December 20, 2019

Police Brutality Not All Cops Are Bad - 1914 Words

In every group of people there is always likely to be a select few that represent the group as a whole in a negative way. Before I begin this essay I think it s important to acknowledge that not all cops are bad. When police brutality is discussed it seems like one side chooses to address all law enforcement with negative blanket statements and broad indictments that aren t fair to those who do their job fairly and responsibly, while the other side almost doesn t seem to acknowledge or address the fact that there is a problem at all. No, not all police officers are bad, but yes, police brutality is real and just because someone is anti police brutality doesn t make them anti police. If anything is going to change both sides need to†¦show more content†¦Acknowledgment is defined as admitting or accepting the existence or the truth of something or simply recognizing the fact or importance or quality of something. Growing up in the 20th century where many of the major racial d ivisive systems have long been demolished I don t find it astonishing when I come across someone who isn t aware of or simply doesn t believe inequality still exist. Typically this â€Å"someone† is white and that’s not a generalization because any person of color simply isn t granted the luxury of being ignorant to certain inequalities because they re the ones subject to it. Acknowledgement for me looks like the acceptance of this idea that racism does still truly exist. Another interesting idea that s fairly new and i ve only now come to understand the argument against is color blindness. White communities typically use this idea to argue the fact that they’re not racist because they don’t see color, they are color blind. Again, I can understand the possible good that is meant to come from comments like this, but you are again, not acknowledging that there’s a real issue. By claiming that you â€Å"don t see color† you invalidate the strug gle that a person of color goes through while also choosing not to recognize your white privilege. When you don t see race you’re essentially saying that you don t see racism.Show MoreRelatedPolice Brutality Racism1340 Words   |  6 PagesPolice brutality in America has been known to put fear in the lives of many Americans. Although police brutality is played out across all avenues of the media and many people see this happening, it yet does not change the fact that racism still exists in the justice system of America. People in positions of power yet have not done anything to rectify the situation and this has lead to the rise of â€Å"Black Lives Matter† movement. Numerous opportunities have been presented to officials to speak up aboutRead MorePolice Brutality And Its Effects On Minority Citizens911 Words   |  4 PagesRecently in the news, Police have been under scrutiny for brutality, especially against minority citizens. There is no question that police offi cers face an extremely difficult job that puts them in life-threating situations, with split-second decisions that could be the difference of life and death. With the advent of low cost cameras, especially cell phone cameras, police are under constituent scrutiny. Is police brutality really an issue, or is it just an attempt to undermine our police officers? WithRead MoreProtesting Protest Against Police Brutality1147 Words   |  5 Pagesuproar between Americans protesting against police brutality. Many Americans, black and white believe we should protest against them and then there are others who believe we should not. The majority of Americans who protest against them are blacks. They believe police are only here to harm everyone, but I believe differently. I believe we should stop protesting against police brutality because it is causing to many riots in cities. Police officers shouldn’t all be categorized as a bunch of brutal menRead MorePolice Brutality And Its Effect On America Essay1398 Words   |  6 PagesOver the years the rate of police brutality has increased in America. It has become one of the biggest headline in today’s news. Many African-Americans have become victims of police brutality. From young teenagers to mothers and daughters, even babies; whether the encounter was direct or indirect, all of which has encountered a form of police brutality. It’s not that the African-American community hates the police it’s their actions that we are upset and frustrated with. It’s their actions of beatingRead MoreEssay On Police Brutality729 Words   |  3 Pages Imagine If you were a victim of police brutality and you had done nothing wrong or you didn’t oppose a threat to the officer take a step into the victims shoes. This Is a controversial issue because people around the world are killed or injured because of unnecessary police brutality. There are many reasons why police brutality is bad and how some people might think it’s ok to use police brutality. Police Brutality is a big controversial topic the first reason is, because there have been incidentsRead MorePolice Brutality In The Police1031 Words   |  5 Pagesthe police are not biased and that their use of excessive force is closely monitored. That is not true. Today many of the police, within the minority, are subjected to killing or fighting innocent people. The new definition of the police department has turned into a department that only resorts to violence as a first priority. The Police Department’s use of excessive force has brought to the attention of the people after multiple cases has happened where the Police are out of control. Police BrutalityRead MoreYanna Pasley. Police Brutality Against Minorities. In The1532 Words   |  7 Pagesyanna Pasley Police Brutality against Minorities In the movie, â€Å"Twelve Years of Slave† there was so much injustice for minorities. America has a come a long way since, slavery and segregation but there is still work to be done, specifically with police brutality. Police brutality is the use of unnecessary excessive force for the police’s purpose. Police brutality has risen over the past years. Ever since the Rodney King incident happened, it began the trend of police brutality against minoritiesRead MorePolice brutality1678 Words   |  7 Pages Police Brutality, Have Times Really Changed The history of Police Brutality for minorities; especially people of color has left America wondering have times changed. Police brutality has deemed the opportunity for socioeconomic advancement or access to good and services for many Black/African Americans dating back as far as 1955. The system of Police brutality has affected many realms of society for minorities’ employment and family life. After some scholarly research, police brutality isRead MorePolice Brutality And The Civil Rights Movement1400 Words   |  6 PagesStates has displayed a lot of police brutality and also racial profiling that leads to police brutality to American citizens. A police officer job are to serve and protect and enforce the law but in a lot cases from proven evidence it’s seems they shoot first and ask questions later. Americans are starting to feel that the police are scared of the citizens more than people are scared of them. Not every single cop in the world is bad or mean harm to people but one bad apple can spoil it for othersRead MorePolice Brutality Essay950 Words   |  4 PagesPolice Brutality: From Their Side   Ã‚  Ã‚   Lately, there has been a lot news on police brutality. All the citizens hear about is the person that is supposedly the victim. Yet, till this day, I still have not heard the side from the police force. Media gets out faster than the facts. Media is no longer based on facts, but based off of opinions of others. We assume because a few police officers are corrupt, that all of them are. Most of them aren’t terrible. Their human just like we are. Some assume the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Man on the Hundred Dollar Bill Benjamin Franklin free essay sample

How many people do you know that have done something big and Important In more than one field of study? I only know one person, this person has done so much In his life span. Part of the reason were we are were we are in the technological field is because of him. He is also one of the founding fathers of America. This person is Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin was born on January seventeen, 1706 to Franklin and Beach Folder. He was Josephs fifteenth child, but with Babe h he was their eighth child.Benjamin attended the Boston Latin school but never Graduated due to financial problems. When Benjamin was fifteen years old his brother James Franklin started an independent newspaper company that was called new England , Benjamin wanted to write for the newspaper but his brother wouldnt let him, so he started writing as an anonymous person who named him self Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on The Man on the Hundred Dollar Bill: Benjamin Franklin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . Silence Do good. People loved his writings and wanted to know who was writing. After his sixteenth letter he revealed himself, When his brother James was sent to Jail, Benjamin ran the newspaper company until his brother returned.Benjamin didnt like the way his life was so he ran away to Philadelphia and worked an an apprentice printer. Things didnt work out so Benjamin had to work the next few month in England doing print work. In 1724 Benjamin wanted to marry Deborah Read but Deborah Reads mother declined the proposal . Six years later Benjamin acknowledged William as his son, no one knows who Williams mother is. Later Deborah Read asked Benjamin Franklin to marry her, they both brought up Williams and two kids of their own. Benjamin was a rich man but lived a simple lifestyle, he loved mature and even walked around naked, he believed that the body should get a lot of fresh air. In 1727 Benjamin returned to Philadelphia and a year later he established a group of sound minded people who would work on Improving their society. In 1729 he bought the Pennsylvania printer store. He wrote a lot for his own paper. Benjamin Franklin was also an Inventor, he Invented the bifocals and the Franklin stove , Franklin was also a physicist and came up with The Ben Franklin effect.Franklin had this curiosity for electricity, he had many theories about electricity, so he tested one of his theories by flying a kite with a key tide to it during a thunder storm, which proved that lightning was a type f electricity. Benjamin Franklin was and still is a brilliant man, he will forever be known in all kinds of history. He was one of Americas first fire and police station, he also started the first public library and hospital and even the first college. One more thing he is known as is one of the founding fathers America, he helped write the declaration of Independence.I respect Benjamin Franklin In so many ways, I believe that If he was alive today he would invent more amazing things. The Man on the Hundred Dollar Bill: Benjamin Franklin By by: Siding How many people do you know that have done something big and important in more than one field of study? I only know one person, this person has done so much in his Benjamin wanted to write for the newspaper but his brother wouldnt let him, so he letter he revealed himself.When his brother James was sent to Jail, Benjamin ran the would work on improving their society. In 1729 he bought the Pennsylvania printer store. He wrote a lot for his own paper. Benjamin Franklin was also an inventor, he invented the bifocals and the Franklin stove , Franklin was also a physicist and came up with The Ben Franklin effect. Franklin had this curiosity for electricity, he had declaration of independence. I respect Benjamin Franklin in so many ways, I believe that if he was alive today he would invent more amazing things.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

AlzheimerS Essay Scholarship Example For Students

AlzheimerS Essay Scholarship ALZHEIMERSBrian FosterHealthMarch 2, 1999Alzheimers disease was first described by Alois Alzheimer. Alois Alzheimer was a German psychiatrist and neuropathologist and he first described it in 1906. The disease was first thought to be a rare condition affecting only young people, and was referred to as presenite dementia. About 10 percent of the United States population over the age of 65 is affected by Alzheimers disease, and up to 45 percent of those over the age of 85 may have the disease. Up to 2 million people suffer from it, or one percent of the population. During the early stages of the disease, a person forgets daily events, but they can still recall things that happened many years ago. Memory loss worsens during the later stages of the disease, when patients forget events from earlier years, patients cannot care for themselves, and some patients can become bedridden. Most patients die from infection or chronic disease 8 to 10 years after getting the disease. The cause of Alzheimers disease still remains mysterious. People with a family history of the disease though, have a better chance of getting it themselves. Carriers of a specific version of the apolpoprorein E gene (apo E gene) are more likely to develop the disease. Alzheimers disease is diagnosed by examining brain tissue under a microscope to see hallmark plaques and tangles, which is only possible after the patient dies. There are some ways that you can find out if you have the disease when you are alive, but it might not be 100 percent sure. You rule out other problems that could cause memory loss like a stroke, depression, alcoholism, and the use of certain prescription drugs. A thorough examination, which includes specialized brain scans is another way of diagnosing it. A patient could be given an evaluation called a neuro pschological examination. There is no known cure for Alzheimers disease. Treatment focuses on lessening symptoms and attempting to slow the course of the disease. Drugs that increase or improve the function of brain acetylcholine, and the neurotransmitter that affects memory, have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to help treat Alzheimers disease. Preliminary studies say that anti-inflammatory drugs could prevent inflammation. There is evidence that the female hormone estrogen, may prevent or slow down the course of the disease. Coping with a loved ones decline and inability to recognize familiar faces causes extreme pain. Caregivers go through tons of pain and develop health and psychological problems because of so much stress. BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Academic American Encyclopedia, Vol. I; Grolier, Inc., Danbury, CT. 1987. 2. Comptons Encyclopedia. 1992. 3. World Book Encyclopedia, World Book, Inc.; Chicago, IL 60661. 1992. 4. Microsoft-Encarta Encyclopedia, Microsoft Corporation. 1993-1998.